Omega-3 fatty acids?
There are different types of fats and oils found in our diet.
These consist of a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids are what we call “polyunsaturated fatty acids”.
Food sources such as some green vegetables and nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, but in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), the plant form of the omega-3 fatty acid.
EPAandDHAare 2 examples of fatty acids of animal origin.
We mainly find these in fish and shellfish (mainly oily fish).
What are EPA and DHA good for?
These polyunsaturated fatty acids have many health-supporting properties thatdepend on the dose.
Good to know: 1 softgel Ultra Omega-3 contains 1000mg fish oil with 180mg EPA and 120mg DHA.
– DHA (250 mg/day): contributes to the maintenance of normalbrain functionand of a normaleyesight.
– EPA and DHA together (250 mg/day): contribute to the normal functioning of theheart
– EPA and DHA together (2 g/day): contributes to the maintenance of normaltriglyceride levelsin the blood.
– EPA and DHA together (3 g/day): contribute to the maintenance of normalblood pressure
Note: Never exceed the daily dose of 5g/day EPA and DHA.