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Morgen begin ik écht aan mijn dieet

Tomorrow I will really start my diet

What if you started it today!?

Are you tired of the excess baggage that you carry with you every day and would you like to lose weight in a healthy and natural way?
Are you unsure whether the RainPharma diet is for you?

We let someone speak who has used the diet himself to achieve a healthy weight and feel much better.

Do you have questions about the diet?
Would you like to get started?
Call us on 0498 93 32 35 for an appointment, the only thing you have to lose are kilos!
You can find more information about our different processes here.

Give yourself more energy, more self-confidence, a healthier body and a whole new wardrobe!
Don't postpone until tomorrow what you can do today, because you deserve to feel good about yourself .

We support and guide you with great passion from the start of the diet to your new, healthy lifestyle. We will assist you with advice and assistance, even (and especially) when things are difficult for you.
We celebrate the successes together and brave the hurdles together.

We would like to let a Rainpharma dieter speak!


“After my second pregnancy, I had gained quite a few pounds that I now wanted to lose. I wanted the energy back to play with my children, they deserved a fit mom who could crawl on the floor and play with them.

So I took the plunge and made an appointment that same day to start the RainPharma diet. After the first intake interview and with my diet starter box under my arm, I left with full courage (and yet a bit of a fear).
I felt supported by my coach Maarten because he assured me that we would do this together from day 1.
And I could always contact him with all my questions, doubts, difficult moments (because yes, they will certainly come) and small and large progress.

I'm going to be very honest and not put a happy filter on my experience, the first few days are really tough. You are going through a serious detox because your body suddenly has to get rid of all the sugars and all the built-up junk has to be removed from your body. Just warn your family members and friends for a little moodiness and a short fuse :D

But be very honest, what are a few days if you know that afterwards you will feel a lot better, lighter, fitter, more confident, healthier, ...?!

Besides, with those extra pounds I didn't exactly feel great and super happy every day, if I was very sincere with myself.

Once you get through those first few days, it will happen naturally. You'll have a clear schedule to follow, it's really a no-brainer. You also realize that if you don't stick to the schedule, you have to go back through that first difficult phase and that certainly helps you not to go off track.

Extra motivation is always a bonus, right? ;)

Speaking of extra motivation, the fact that you quickly feel that your clothes are starting to hang looser around your body certainly gives that extra push.
And a little shopping therapy (because those clothes get way too big quickly) is always fun, right?

I'm going to be honest again. I didn't find it easy to combine my social life with the diet. I found going to a restaurant quite a challenge and I just had water and my shake. I am convinced that this can be improved, see it as a challenge. :-)

On the other hand, due to Covid-19 we are still not allowed to go outside much and see many people, it is really the perfect time to fly in .

It is important to try out recipes and find out which flavor of shake you like best. You can even mix them and create your own custom-made shake. Shake it baby!

Your coach can of course assist you very well in this.
Maarten has a treasure chest of recipes and tips, so that you can turn your dieting experience into a stepping stone to your new lifestyle .

Moreover, you will feel really good during the 3 phases of the diet. I experienced it as a kind of 'dieter's high', I literally felt better every day . The fact that you get thoughtful support from the supplements you take gives you extra peace of mind knowing that you are giving your body everything it needs right now.

For me, the biggest challenge lies in doing it 'normally' after you have gone through the phases smoothly. My conclusion is that the normal as before no longer exists and you have to develop a new normal for yourself, a new lifestyle with a lot of healthy food, a lot of exercise and rest and the right supplements to support you, but you can certainly do that with all those regained energy!

Of course, there will also be difficult moments when you fall back into your old habits , but step by step you grow towards a healthy relationship with food because you learn to take care of yourself. Taking care of yourself also means eating food that is full of nutrients that do a lot for your body and then it is not a disaster that you sometimes eat something that does not do much for you. This way you don't have to 'punish' yourself because you ate something 'bad', it just wasn't that useful for your body, better luck next time!

It is high time to give your body the best and take good care of yourself, and everything else will follow automatically. Because all that extra energy will want to be used in fun projects, new experiences and/or a new you! For me, the new me meant a completely new job, a new look and tons of meaning in life.

You can also contact Maarten and Nicolas for a complete makeover, relaxing care from head to toe and to have your new self completely pampered. Give it to yourself, you more than deserve it!

1 piece of advice from me to you: just go for it, you only have a lot of things to gain! "

Do you want to start today? Make an appointment and call us on 0498 93 32 35. We are so looking forward to guiding you on your way to the lighter and more energetic version of yourself. Together we go for it!

You can find more information about our different processes here.

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