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Wat is eczeem en droge huid?

What is eczema and dry skin?

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3 tips to finally get rid of eczema and dry skin

Are you also plagued by eczema and are you at a loss because you no longer know what to do about it? You've already tried everything, without success? You've really had enough?

Skin Clinic Ypres is ready for you! We would like to give you 3 tips to get rid of this annoying skin problem! And of course, as always, you can contact us for an approach completely tailored to your needs, so that you can get rid of that irritation for good!

What is eczema?

Eczema is a skin condition in which the skin is inflamed and is plagued by intense itching and red, flaky patches. Besides the fact that eczema causes a lot of unnecessary trouble, it can also turn your social life upside down. You often don't feel comfortable in your own skin and that has a huge impact on your daily life.

Don't worry about it, you can finally get rid of that annoying eczema with our 3 tips!

  1. Go natural

Throw out your old care routine and go for a completely natural approach that is kind to your skin and at the same time takes care of your skin very efficiently!

Give your body a short transition phase to kick the habit, it may even briefly seem as if your eczema is getting worse. But believe us, it pays to persevere! You will soon notice that your skin is calming down and getting better.

Give the 5 steps of the RainPharma facial care ritual a place in your bathroom. With the ABCDEF steps you work step by step towards radiantly cared for and soothed skin every day. You will see your skin irritations disappear like snow in the sun.

Go for one natural skin wash and body lotion and give your skin the rest it deserves. Do you have very sensitive skin?
The Zero Tolerance products from RainPharma are your buddies!

Also the natural care products from Nuori will provide your skin with the care it needs and soothe it at the same time.

Both RainPharma and Nuori products contain no unnecessary chemical additives, only natural powerhouses. This way you can be sure that you can break the vicious eczema circle and achieve long-term results!

  1. Holistic approach

At Skin Clinic Ypres we strongly believe in the holistic approach to skin problems. By opting for a natural care routine every day and focusing on a total approach tailored to your body, we can achieve fantastic results together and you will finally be freed from that annoying irritation.

By working from the inside with the right nutritional supplements and a healthy diet and from the outside with the right care products, you fundamentally tackle your skin problems, with lasting results.

This way you can be sure that your body will get an extra push and that all your efforts will pay off.

How do we do that?

👉 With the right orthomolecular nutritional supplements for your situation.

For example, the RainPharma Ultra Omega 3 and Ultra Omega Zen your comrades-in-arms to tackle the inflammations in your body and thus soothe your skin from within. But also, for example, the High Tech AOX and the Broccoli Seed Caps work very strongly on inflammation and contain, among other things: antioxidants and biotin to boost your skin, hair and nails.

Together we will look at which supplements are ideal for you and together we will achieve the radiant skin you deserve!

👉 Together we will also examine your diet and give you appropriate nutritional advice to tackle those skin problems.

  1. Regular 'maintenance'

By regularly treating your troubled skin to professional care with our natural products combined with one or 2 treatments from our devices, you give all your efforts an extra boost.

With our Comfort and VIP treatments, we look together at which devices are most suitable for your skin and skin problem and we pamper your skin with beneficial and in-depth care. Just think of a deep cleansing peeling, microneedling to tackle scars and pigmentation, radiofrequency to tighten your skin and boost collagen, ... .

Give yourself regularly to our enthusiastic hands and fully enjoy your radiant skin afterwards!

Book yours now facial care customization!

Would you like a tailor-made approach and would you like to tackle that annoying eczema once and for all?

Call me today on 0498/93.32.35!

Together we go for it!


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