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Kooksels & baksels

Cooking & baking

Nice scent anyone? Reading Cooking & baking 6 minutes Next Ready - Set - Focus!
Yesterday I had a "I wake up and cook all day" day.
The days are getting shorter and colder, so I wanted to make some sweet sins. And when it gets colder, I start craving stew. This is how it happened...

The menu included:

1) Chocolate Cookies (vegan, gluten & lactose free)
2) Hutsepot à la Maarten
3) My Purple Fantasy (also vegan, gluten & lactose free) :-)

Here we go!

1) Chocolate Cookies

*130 grams of almond flour
*100 grams of hazelnut powder
*40 grams of coconut blossom sugar (because I use hazelnut powder, much less sugar is needed)
*20 grams of arrowroot powder
*1/2 teaspoon baking powder
*pinch of salt
*60ml water
*3 large tablespoons of coconut oil (melt)
*chocolate pearls of your choice (I use dark chocolate and used about 40 grams)
*Preheat the oven to about 190 degrees. Place a sheet of baking paper on the plate and set aside.

*Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl (keep the chocolate aside). Then mix the liquid ingredients into your dry ones. When everything is nicely mixed, you can add the chocolate pearls. If the batter is just too dry, you can always add a tablespoon of water.
*Scoop the dough onto the sheet of baking paper and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes (keep an eye on it). The cookies should be golden brown. Remove from the oven and let cool (let it cool first and then touch it, otherwise they may fall apart).
2) Hutsepot à la Maarten

*1 leek
*1 onion
*2 carrots
*2 cloves of garlic (I took my self-imposed garlic, because it has more flavor)
*piece of soup meat (as a vegetarian you can of course simply leave this out)
*herb pouch in a tea filter (thyme, rosemary, bay leaf, sage, black pepper and salt)

Hutsepot itself:

*2 leek stems
*2 onions
*5 carrots
*3 cloves of garlic
*5 turnips
*300 grams of Brussels sprouts
*1/2 Savoy cabbage
*1/2 white cabbage
*lots of pepper
*3 tablespoons of mustard

*for people who eat meat: you can add bacon, soup meat, cutlet, ...

*Put all ingredients in large pieces into the soup maker and add water (up to the limit of your device), DO NOT let them mix ;-) For me it is always on the program: Soup with pieces
*Cut all the vegetables into large pieces and put everything in a large pot, add the stock and mustard and let everything simmer with the lid on for the first half hour, then I remove the lid and let the liquid evaporate a little more. If there is too little moisture, add water.
*If you use meat, place it on top of your stew for the first half hour and then you can mix it in the pot.
3) My Purple Fantasy

*290 grams of gluten-free flour (I mixed 3 types: buckwheat, oat flour and almond flour)
*30 grams arrowroot
*1 large tablespoon of agar agar
*2 tablespoons maple syrup
*pinch of salt
*150 grams coconut oil (melt)
*5 tablespoons of natural food coloring (if you want a color of course) => I mixed 4 types (red beetroot powder, pink pitaya powder, purple carrot powder and purple sweet potato powder)
*6-7 tablespoons of cold water

*500 grams of red fruits (I used 250 grams of blueberries and 250 grams of red fruit mix), mine come from the freezer => I find that these release more moisture during heating and are therefore sweeter => less sugar is needed
*30 grams arrowroot
*10 grams of agar agar
*juice of 1 lemon

*Preheat the oven to 190 degrees
*Mix the ingredients for the filling in an oven dish and leave in the oven for 20 minutes (then take them out and let cool)
*Mix all dry ingredients (except the food coloring) in a large bowl and pour over the liquefied coconut oil.
*Mix the food coloring with 3 tablespoons of cold water. When everything is nicely mixed, mix it into your dough together with the maple syrup.
*Add your cold water spoon by spoon until the dough forms a nice ball.
*Knead a few times so that the coloring is evenly distributed.
*Remove it from the bowl, place on baking paper and roll it out nicely into 1 flat disk (bottom) and 1 smaller flat disk (top)
*Place the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

*Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
*Use a deep baking tray (because we are working with filling) and carefully place the largest disc in the baking tray. Make sure the edges reach the top of your baking tray.

*Fill the plate with the berry filling and fold the edges of the dough slightly inwards.
*Cut the 2nd disk into strips and place them in a crosswise pattern over the filling.
*Place in the oven for 45-60 minutes (so that the filling simmers slightly)
*If you notice that the crust is getting too brown, place foil paper over it.
*Remove from the oven and let cool. Personally, I like these best if you leave them overnight => then the filling also sets nicely.

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