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Sleep Baby Sleep...

Hi Hi,

Today I'm taking you on a 3rd scent journey of our Aromatherapy Essentials.
I also have to apologize for the Black Friday weekend promotion (I did not communicate this clearly enough), because I have received a lot of questions about this.
The promotion is valid until tomorrow (Monday evening 30/11 11:59 PM), many thought this was only Friday, but it is actually Black Friday weekend.
So sorry for any confusion => work point for next year! :-)
For more information, you can use this link to see what the promotion entails (because it is invisible on my website):
And now our scent journey (many of you have been smart and have already ordered a lot of essential oils to expand your own collection) => so I will do my best to give you sufficient explanation about the other scents as well. to give.

In this 3rd episode of our aromatherapy series we would like to guide you through those essential oils that help you relax and give you a wonderful night's sleep.

Earlier we talked about aromatherapy that helps you concentrate and provides warmth and comfort for the mind and body. This time we are going for total relaxation and wonderful sleep!

Lavender (Lavender)

We certainly don't need to introduce this essential oil to you.Lavender has traditionally been known for its relaxing properties. Lavender calms you down and restores the balance of your nervous system.

The wonderful Mediterranean scent immediately puts you in a calm mood and lavender before bedtime can help you fall asleep more easily and provide you with a refreshing night's sleep.
Ylang Ylang

Another great one to help you relax! The sultry, sweet scent of ylang ylang allows all stress to flow away and helps you to listen to your heart. Ylang ylang calms you down and supports you under emotional pressure. Did you know that ylang ylang is a real mood booster and aphrodisiac?

A lovely, floral scent that also helps you relax, it almost sounds too good to be true! Geranium can noticeably reduce your stress and reassure you. Withgeranium by your side you have the feeling that everything will be fine and you can take on the world. This way you can fall asleep peacefully without any worries.

Are you stressed and overworked? Geranium can also give you a boost.
Frankincense (Frankincense)

Frankincense also has a calming effect on your nervous system and can seriously improve your mood! :-)

Frankincense can better protect you against emotional stress and can help you let go, which can only promote your general feeling of relaxation and help you sleep even easier!

Patchouli brings you well-deserved rest and helps with anxiety and stress. It also makes your head wonderfully clear and ensures that you can stop the merry-go-round of thoughts in your head for a while, so that both your mind and body can truly relax!

Patchouli is also a mood booster (and aphrodisiac)!
Now it's up to you!

Would you also like to completely chillax ? Then be sure to choose from the above oils and get started making your ideal blend for soothing self-care moments. Because you deserve to take care of yourself and enjoy that wonderful relaxing feeling!

To make it completely easy for you, you can also opt for the Bonsoir mix (both in Skin Wash and in essential oil and afteroil). This ready-made mix is ​​perfectly composed to help you relax after a busy day.

Do you have any questions or could you use some help finding your perfect blend? Be sure to call me on 0498/93.32.35. I'd love to help you!

Peaceful greetings,


VAT, I remain reachable by telephone, WhatsApp, socials, etc. If you need a chat or have a question, be sure to call me on 0498/93.32.35. In these times we all have to take extra care of each other. And I would like to take care of you too :-)

To ask?

Call me on 0498/93.32.35 or email .

Follow us on Instagram & Facebook (both can be found under "skinclinicsantoshair") or visit to view all products.

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